Monday, January 23, 2012

Strip Nude For Your Killer (1975)

Strip Nude for Your Killer
This movie is a winner.  It starts with an abortion and ends with an anal sex joke.  It also stars one of the future Girls of Grindhouse Edwige Fenech and she gets naked.  A lot.  In fact, all the lovely ladies in this film are pretty much naked all the time, until they get killed that is.  Then they just lie there on the ground, all naked and bloody with blood on their naked, bloody bodies.  Naked. 

Andrea Bianchi's 1975 giallo Strip Nude for Your Killer really is a pretty damn good movie.  It doesn't have much in the way of plot, but it makes more sense than most gialli that rely on style over story.  This movie's story is thin but at least it's coherent.

During a failed abortion in a back alley clinic, a fashion model dies in the stirrups from cardiac arrest.  The doctor and an unknown accomplice take the woman's corpse back to her apartment and put her in the bathtub to make it look like she died there of natural causes.  Soon after, the doctor is murdered.

A sleazy, womanizing photographer named Carlo works for the same agency as the dead model.   As a way to get women in the sack, he brings them to the agency with promises of fame and fortune in the pages of the world's most glamorous fashion magazines.  After successfully seducing a voluptuous redhead (Femi Benussi) and adding her to the agency's roster, she is murdered, which is unfortunate because she liked to walk around naked a lot.

Then other models and those associated with the agency also begin dying at the hands of an unknown killer who wears a motorcycle suit and helmet, and likes to get all stabby with a switchblade.  Who could be committing these heinous murders?  What reason could this person have?  How could such a slimy, little man get with such beautiful women?  Trust me, the reason for the murders and the revelation of killer's identity won't blow your mind, but it's a fun ride getting to that point.

"That's-a spicy meat ball-a!"
Strip Nude for Your Killer is unique as a giallo in that it doesn't take itself too seriously.  In fact, it often seems that the murder-mystery aspect of the film takes a backseat the tongue-in-cheek, misogynist, Italian sex jokes.  I imagine some will find this annoying but others will find it refreshing.  I'm in the latter camp. 

If a campy and sleazy, yet bloody Italian murder-mystery doesn't appeal to you, I still recommend watching this film because Edwige Fenech is in it, she gets naked and she is freakin' hot.

Violence Rating/Index: 3.5 out of 5
Booby Rating/Index: 4.5 out of 5

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Strip Nude for Your Killer

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