Also Known As
- Ilsa - Die Hündinnen vom Liebeslager 7 (Germany)
Main Details
- Released in 1974
- Color
- Runtime: 92 min | 96 min
- Aspect Ratio: (1.66:1)
- Production Co: Aeteas Filmproduktions
- Distribution Co: Cambist Films (1975) (USA) (theatrical) | Cinépix Film Properties (CFP) (1975) (Canada) (theatrical)
Cast and Crew
- Directed by Don Edmonds
- Written by Jonah Royston, John C.W. Saxton (as Jonah Royston)
- Starring: Dyanne Thorne, Gregory Knoph, Tony Mumolo, Maria Marx, Nicolle Riddell, Jo Jo Deville, Sandy Richman, George 'Buck' Flower (as C.D. Lafleuer), Rodina Keeler, Richard Kennedy (as Wolfgang Roehm), Lance Marshall, David F. Friedman, John F. Goff, Wayne Beauchamp, Colleen Brennan, Sandy Dempsey, Uschi Digard, Peggy Sipots, Donna Young
- Produced by David F. Friedman (as Herman Traeger)
- Cinematography by Glenn Roland
- Film Editing by Kurt Schni
Now for the story. Ilsa is a middle aged buxom blonde scientist who is looking for love in all the wrong places. She's also the Nazi warden of a death camp. Both men and women are housed at this camp but used for different purposes. Ilsa sleeps with the men of her choosing and then when they fail to satisfy her sexual needs, she has them castrated. The women who are not given to the Nazi troops as sex slaves are used as guinea pigs for Ilsa's dialobical and pointless experiments. She has a theory that women can endure more pain than men and would therefore make better troops.
Yep, that's the plot. Understandably, the prisoners don't like their housing arrangements and try to escape. If you're brave enough, you can watch the movie to see if they succeed. Please don't think I hate this film. It is indeed a grindhouse classic and worth watching, but just don't expect it to be anything more than grindhouse sex and violence.
Booby Rating: 5 out of 5
Violence Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Rent Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS by mail from
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