Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Knightriders (1981)

The Games...The Romance...The Spirit...Camelot is a state of mind. 

Instead of featuring one of George A. Romero's zombie classics, I thought I'd give you my opinion of one of his lesser known films, Knightriders.  From the looks of the poster art it seems that this is another cheesy movie to watch only for it's comedic value.  But no my friends, this is an outstanding film. 

I first saw this piece of grindhouse gold during an extended movie marathon with a friend of mine.  Some of you may know him as Zoltan.  He writes reviews here sometimes.  It was already after midnight and I was tired and ready to go home but Zoltan convinced me to put Knightriders on for a little bit just to see how bad it is.  I stayed until the movie was over and it's 145 minutes long.

This film draws you in because it tells a unique and interesting story and makes you genuinely feel for the characters.  A young Ed Harris shows off his acting chops, Tom Savini gets to be in front of the camera instead of doing his usual make-up and special effects and there is even a cameo by Stephen King and his wife. 

Billy Davis (Ed Harris) who is also known as King William to the lords and ladies of his court, leads a traveling renaissance show throughout Western Pennsylvania, but this show is different, for the knights joust from the saddles of their motorcycles. Billy is bound to an Arthurian code of honor and humility which is strained by the financial necessities of the show and the yearning of some of his knights for fame and fortune, especially by the most skilled of the court - the black knight, Morgan (Tom Savini).  Billy even refuses to give an autograph to a kid because that's not what the show is about.  In fact, it's not about the show at all.

Ed Harris: Dragon Fighter
When a promoter arrives and promises to take the show national, the troupe is split.  After a scuffle, the black knight takes his followers on the path to commercial success and wine, women and song, while King William remains behind with his honor and broken band of traveling knights.

After much infighting among his knights, Morgan realizes that there cannot be two kings and he returns with his men and their fancy new outfits to challenge Billy for the throne.  And of course there's lots of action, romance and probably too many subplots along the way.

Sure it looks silly, but it's worth checking out.  It's another one of my grindhouse favorites.

Violence Rating/Index: 3 out of 5
Booby Rating/Index: 2.5ish out of 5

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