Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Breeders (1986)

They're Gonna Love You ... 'Til You're Dead!

This isn't a good movie and I didn't expect it to be.  The girls are quite average looking, the plot is stupid and the makeup and special effects are laughable, but don't let those things deter you from watching it.  Sure, it's pretty terrible but it's still entertaining.  If anything, the weak, stupid plot and laughable special effects are what make it worth watching.  I wish the girls were better looking, though.

There's an alien menace lurking under the city streets that finds pleasure in terrorizing and forcibly copulating with virgin girls.  That's the plot.  The police are incompetent and can't figure out what's going on or who is attacking these women who suffer from amnesia after being violated and therefore can't describe their attacker.  But a detective and a lady doctor, who is the only female character who doesn't get naked in this movie, discover that an alien is behind these rapes and that it dwells under the Empire State Building.  The movie climaxes at a subterranean breeding pool where the rape victims frolic in a tub of alien jizz as the detective and the good doctor battle the monster.

"You gonna get raped."
There are lots of boobies in Breeders, but as I've mentioned, they're of average quality.   The whole film seems to be based around girls getting undressed for no apparent reason, like while talking to their mothers on the phone, or preparing supper, or after doing a line of cocaine.  How strange that a low budget horror movie would rely on excessive nudity to compensate for shitty everything else. 

The director went on to do gay porn.

Violence Rating/Index: 3.5 out of 5
Booby Rating/Index: 3.5 out of 5

Buy Breeders at TLACult.com

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