Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trevor Juenger's COYOTE Reaches Minimum Funding Goal

Brian Staack dressed up as Bill
I'm happy to report that Trevor Juenger's art-house horror film Coyote has reached the minimum funding goal of $4000 so Bill Oberst Jr. will get his thumb sucked by a hot, naked dog-woman after all.   However, $4000 is just the bare minimum and with only a couple of days to go, the cast and crew are hoping to get a few more dollars added to the cause so they can eat and stuff when filming begins in July.

Here's Director of Photography Nick Brian Walters explaining how every dollar helps so they won't have to eat dry bologna sandwiches every day for a month (although he seems pretty cool with that) and can afford some decent effects and editing.  Also, he smokes a pipe so he's alright in my book.

Remember every dollar makes a difference or you can also help by getting the word out through Twitter or Facebook or by liking and commenting on the video on YouTube.  Thanks guys and gals!

Remember, there's only 2 days left to help get this awesome indie horror film get off the ground.

Go to www.indiegogo.com/coyote to help support the cause!

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