Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Flesh Gordon (1974) Trailer

...Planet Porno Bombards Earth with Sex Rays! ...Send For Flesh!...

Flesh Gordon
Get it at TLACult

Flesh and his companions Prince Precious and Dr. Jerkoff explore the inner and outer regions of space. Cult fun that parodies the story's sci-fi origins, and includes lots of sex and cheesy sets and effects.

I remember seeing an old VHS copy of this when I was 13 or 14 (a time when I was even dumber and more immature than I am now) and thinking this movie was rather silly.  Its campiness is over the top but the stop-motion animation is rather impressive - not Ray Harryhausen impressive, but impressive for a low-budget, sexploitation spoof.  It also showcases a lot of boobies and Craig T. Nelson (a.k.a. Coach from the TV show Coach, the dad from Poltergeist and the voice of Mr. Incredible) is the uncredited voice of the smooth talking Great God Porno.

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