Monday, June 18, 2012

The Octagon (1980) Trailer

The Ninja, unholy masters of terror. No one will admit they still exist

The Octagon
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Chuck Norris takes on a deadly terrorist training camp (for ninjas) known only as The Octagon in this deadly tale of revenge that pits brother against brother in a classic showdown battle of good vs. evil.

The Meiji Restoration eradicated most of the ninja but it will take Chuck Norris to finish the job.

That's right, back in the '80s before anyone had even heard of al-Qaeda (except for the CIA officers who were giving them money to fight the Soviets) the greatest terrorist threat to America came by way of Japan - in the secret and shadowy form of the ninja!  Now Chuck Norris has to fight them and stuff.

And for those who missed it on the interwebs last week, here's Chuck Norris in Chuck Norris starring Chuck Norris.

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