Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rob Zombie Trusts Woolite

I thought everyone already knew about this but after talking to a friend the other day who hadn't, I realized that other people may actually have lives.  So for all of you who have productive things to do with your time and haven't already heard, Rob Zombie has directed a commercial for Woolite.  Yes, Woolite. 

From his official movie production blog:
 "I just wrapped a very odd directing gig in sunny Vancouver… a scary TV commercial for Woolite, called ‘The Torturer.’  Yes, I said Woolite. This ain’t yo Mamma’s Woolite. Can’t show you much but, below are a few shots from this crazy week of filming.”

And here are a few of those shots.

Rob Zombie, Producer Danielle Lovett and Director of Photography Brandon Trost


*UPDATE*  Check out the commercial HERE

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