Saturday, February 19, 2011

Off Topic #4: Be Careful What You Wish For...

On Wednesday I asked you all to tell me about some of the worst movies that you have ever seen so that I too could suffer through two or three of them.  Thanks everybody for your submissions.  It was hard to narrow down the list of some really terrible looking films but I have selected three which I will soon watch and tell you what I think.  From the list of submissions,  I have chosen: Battlefield Earth, Dungeons & Dragons, and Gigli.

I've always been intrigued by Battlefield Earth because it's a big budget Scientology film starring John Travolta but I always avoided it because it's a big budget Scientology film starring John Travolta. Now I will finally sit down and learn about the rich mythology and life lessons of Scientology.

I used to play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons and I mean a lot so when the movie came out I boycotted it on principle.  I refused to let Marlon Wayans rape my precious game in front of my very eyes. I think I'm ready now.

Lastly there is Gigli.  Quite frankly, Gigli scares the hell out of me and really don't want to see this film.  Ever.  But I will.

May Xenu have mercy on my soul.

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