Friday, February 25, 2011

This is My Mecca!

You guys confuse me.  I put up a poll a little while ago to determine which of Quentin Tarantino's movies you liked the least.  I thought for sure that Jackie Brown or Death Proof would easily come out on top.  Instead, you guys chose Inglourious Basterds which I thought was one of his best films.  Oh well.

Today we have one of the last of the fake trailers from the Tarantino/Rodriguez double feature Grindhouse.  This one was directed by Rob Zombie and features one of Nicolas Cage's finest performances.  As far as I know there are no plans to make this into an actual film but I'd definitely like to see it if they ever did.  Not too long ago Rob Zombie was working on a remake of The Blob but it seems he abandoned that project to work on an original idea.  I hope it's better than his last couple of films.

Here's the fake trailer and like most of the other trailers from Grindhouse, it's very NSFW.

Oh Udo Kier, why do you get no respect...

*UPDATE:  Rob Zombie's new movie will be The Lords of Salem and will star Sheri Moon Zombie.

See all of Sheri's nude scenes at!

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